Sunday, September 13, 2009

Every few weeks or so, im going to make a listing of the strange things, "different things", for i am to be open minded, that i have observed about china... Here is the list i have accumulated so far:

1) The toilets are a porcelain whole in the ground. There is nothing to hold on to, you simply squat over. Image how gross the bathrooms get in bar in America, Now add the toilet as a hole, and bad piping, a whole lot of piss on the floor, and buildup... If you want toilet paper, you are required to carry it on you, and you cannot flush the toilet paper, you must dispose of it in a trashcan. The sewers get clogged quite easily.

2) The water quality is terrible in China, 75% of it is unsuitable for drinking, 40% or so unsuitable for agriculture, fishing, or industrial uses. Hence, either you must buy bottled water, or more commonly, boil everything. There is water boiling machines on each floor of my dorm building, where you can fill up your canteen so that you have hot, clean water for drinking

3) The Chinese do not use ice, nor is it common to cool one's beverages. At many stores it is a hassle to find a cool, refreshing drank. On one occurrence my friend ordered a milkshake at a local cafe, and received warm milk with chocolate powder milked in. The beer is not even cold.

4) Chinese say Niga, in place of our use like or umm... sort of as a filler word. It is pretty comical to be standing on the subway, hearing a bunch of asians claiming niga.

5) Many Chinese work out in jeans, and rubber gloves. Im guessing to block the germs, they are pretty concerned about that swine flu. I cannot say this is a common chinese trend, but ive seen at least 1 person a day there sporting this look.

6) It is common for Chinese couples to match. I have seen couples in matching black polos, in Shirts that claim, i <3 BJ(beijing, im sure we can all catch the pun), or one couple i found " Our Love" the other being " Will Last Forever".

8) Is you invite a Chinese companion out to eat, offer them a beer, or a gift, they will refuse many times. You must insist a few times before they will take your offering.

9) there is no flow of traffic, many cars or scooters do not even follow the traffic lights, its pretty much always a game of chicken everytime you must cross the street.

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