Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beijing Subway System

I took on the subway system for the first time today, and it was pretty neat: modern, fast paced, crowded, and full of unique characters. Here is a list of some interesting observations.

1) You are scanned with a metal detecting wand upon entrance into the subway. Your bags are put through a security belt, small version of the ones used at the airport

2) glass gates walls block the tracks until the train arrives, and then they automatically open.

3) the subway entrance tickets are reusable. you put 2RMB (1$=6.8 RMB)into a machine, choose your location, and a card is dispensed. You have the card over a sensor and the gates open for your entrance. Once you have reached your destination, in order to exit you have to insert your ticket into a machine for the gates to open.

4) Although there is both a normal walkway and stairs, 95% of the commuters choose to use the extremely crowded escalator and mobile walkway, adding what i would approximate to be 10min to thier commute.

5) On the walls of the tunnel out side of the car are electronically projected advertisements that move with the train. China is very good at making use of any space for advertising

6) Asian babies and small children wear assless pants which expose thier butt, so that they are able to drop a poop whenever needed, leaving the mess out of the pants. ( too bad they do not make these for certain indiviuals). Exiting one of the terminals i spotted a few dumplings which i can only guess to be some little baby poops.


  1. wow - their subway is light years ahead of ours! Not sure about the ass-less pants though....

  2. imagine if chicago had a security wanding requirement. what a fucking mess.
